With limited resources to address numerous challenges, impact assessment on interventions by both the government and development partners is emerging as a key component to establish the value for money on investment
In addition, monitoring changes at the household, commodity and sub-sector, and macroeconomic levels can help inform policy interventions. Tegemeo Institute has continued to monitor key agricultural indicators to show trends and patterns over time.
The Institute had also undertaken various evaluations and impact assessments, some of which include.
- Baseline and follow up surveys for programs being implemented by the government of Kenya, development partners and the private sector in agriculture and rural development sector
- Impact assessment of programs on food security, increase in agricultural productivity and agri-business, extension services, improving rural income and livelihood implemented by the government of Kenya
- Impact assessment on agricultural productivity on the rural household income and poverty reduction on programs supported by the United State Agency International Development (USAID) Kenya mission
- Developed an Income proxy model for the Title II funded programs under the United State Agency International Development (USAID) Kenya mission