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Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development is an Institute of Egerton University mandated to conduct agricultural policy research in Kenya. The Institute is looking to fill the Position of a RESEARCH FELLOW.

The application window has been extended until February 14, 2025.

The Research Fellow will be responsible for the following activities

• Developing research proposals to address issues within the mandate of the Institute

• Developing study designs and tools/protocols for data collection

• Developing an estimate of resources and time schedule for research activities

• Managing and supervising data collection and management

• Data analysis and production of high-quality research and policy outputs including reports, working papers, policy briefs, peer-reviewed articles and other outreach materials

• Leading in dissemination and outreach of research findings to policy makers and other relevant stakeholders

• Designing and delivering capacity building activities

• Engaging with partners and other stakeholders

• Developing competitive research grant proposals


The preferred candidate should have the following:

• Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics or related field from a recognized University

• At least three (3) years’ relevant experience in agricultural policy research

• Good knowledge and experience in the design and implementation of different types of surveys including rural household surveys, and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data including household level panel data

• Experience in use and coding of Computer Aided Personal Interviews (CAPI) will be an
added advantage

• Proven ability to conduct research independently and manage sizeable research projects
and personnel

• Good knowledge of and practical competence in statistical analysis, econometrics and
other quantitative methods

• High level competence in use of statistical software such as SPSS and STATA

• Excellent writing skills and ability to produce high quality reports and publications including peer review articles

• Experience in micro- and macro-economic modelling (Econometrics, Partial Equilibrium (PE), Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), etc.) will be an added advantage

• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team


Only shortlisted applicants meeting requirements for the position will be contacted. Applications together with copies of transcripts, certificates and detailed CV including names and contact information of three referees should be sent to the email address, vacancies@tegemeo.org Applications should be clearly marked with the ‘Research Fellow’ position in the subject line and must be received on or before 5:00 pm (EAT), 14th February 2025.


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