Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development
Our Achievements
Our achievements
The Institute has influenced policy formulation by participating in the preparation and formulation of key Government strategy documents. Among the major key government strategies the Institute has been involved in include:
- Provision of empirical evidence in the mid 90’s that led to liberalization of various sub-sectors. The Institute was also involved in the formulation of the strategy to reform the Maize, Dairy, Coffee, Sugar, Tea and Pyrethrum industries in government appointed Task Forces, assisting in the preparation of sessional papers and draft bills. In addition, the Institute contributed to the changes in the Cooperative Sessional Papers and subsequent Acts of Parliament.
- Capacity building for Parliamentary Committee, particularly the Committee on Agriculture, Lands and Natural Resources during the 8th and 9th Parliament.
- Participated in the preparation, formulation, and dissemination of the Kenya Rural Development Study (KRDS) as input into Kenya’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). The Institute also participated in the formulation of the PRSP and the subsequent Economic Recovery strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS).
- Supporting and participating in the preparation and formulation of the Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA). Collaboration with the Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) to spearhead the implementation of the Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA).
- Participation in the formulation of Kenya Vision 2030, the long-term development strategy aimed at transforming Kenya into a newly-industrialized, middle income country.
- Assisted in establishing the Kenya Private Sector Association (KEPSA), which is now a private sector policy lobby group.
- During the constitution making process the Institute sensitized the Constitution Review Commission on the role of agriculture in the Kenyan economy and how stakeholders in agriculture could be empowered in the new constitution.
- The Institute has continued to monitor changes in agricultural performance by tracing and monitoring welfare, income, and income components over time,
- Promoted policy dialogue and advocacy among producers, consumers, civil society, private sector, government, development partners and parliamentarians that has contributed to a more all-encompassing and inclusive policy formulation process in Kenya.
- Developing a rural household panel carried out in five waves 1997, 2000, 2004, 2007 and 2010. This is a unique database that follows same households from 1997. It provides policy makers with important insights on the impact of policies implemented since the mid-1990s on rural livelihoods.
- The Institute has undertaken Monitoring and Evaluation and also impact assessments of major programs implemented by the government and development partners. This has been done through baselines, mid-term and end of program reviews.