
Rural Development

Natural Resources

Agricultural Systems

Rural Development

Natural Resources
News and Updates
Monitoring and Tracking
This involves monitoring changes at the household, commodity, sector/ sub-sector and macroeconomic levels in order to inform the interventions and policies in the agriculture sector,which are geared toward improved food security and poverty reduction.
Policy Research
Policy research is aimed at offering policy guidance by providing timely empirical information and feedback on government interventions and all other stakeholders in the agricultural sector. To achieve this objective, various activities and studies focus on...
Outreach and Advocacy
This entails informing public and private sector stakeholders about promising policy and investment opportunities to promote rural incomes and food security in Kenya. The relevant empirical information provided by the Institute will form a basis for meaningful discussions..
Capacity Building
Tegemeo continues to build and strengthen the capacity of its researchers through short- and long-term training to sustain its quality policy research and analysis work. Also, to enhance public sector policy research and analysis in Kenya, the Institute proposes to...
Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development
Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development is a policy research institute under the Division of Research and Extension of Egerton University.