A consortium of Michigan State University, Tegemeo Institute, Egerton University, and Purdue University, funded by USAID through a USDA grant, has been leading the Support for Applied Research and Analysis in Kenya and East Africa (SARA-KEA) project over the past three years. The aims of the project are to enhance knowledge management, adaptive learning, and data-driven decision-making to support US government investments in the region, boost economic growth, improve food security, and strengthen resilience. The research focuses on agriculture-led growth, nutrition, and resilience, with findings shared to inform development programs and policies. As part of USAID's localization efforts, the consortium planned a two-day national conference in Nairobi on October 29-30, 2024, bringing together stakeholders from government, civil society, the private sector, and research organizations to present results and foster dialogue. The conference facilitated feedback and discussions on policy relevant topics to guide developments in Kenya’s agricultural sector.
Below you can view/download the program document, conference proceedings, policy briefs of papers presented, and copies of presentations.
1. Conference Program
2. Conference proceedings
2. Policy Briefs and Papers
Food environments and diet quality: Insights from urban and peri-urban Nairobi and Kisumu
Authors: Mywish K. Maredia, Timothy Njagi, David Tschirley, Ayala Wineman, Aisha Sophia Otwoma, Nahian Bin Khaled, Ian Fisher, Lilian Kirimi, Thomas Reardon, Hillary Bii, Michael Asiago, and Semeni Ngozi
Political Economy of Kenya's Agricultural Transformation A comparative value chains approach
Authors:Danielle Resnick,Steve Haggblade,Mercy Kamau and Isaac Minde
Evaluating Kenya's National Fertilizer Subsidy Program_Implementation, crowding out & BCA
Authors: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, David L. Mather, Mywish K. Maredia, John Olwande, and Nahian Bin Khaled
Assessment of the policy enabling environment for large-scale food fortification A novel framework with an application to Kenya
Authors: Veronica Theriault, Lilian Kirimi, Ayala Wineman, Ephiphania Kinyumu, and David Tshirley.
Are Commercialized Farms Driving Agricultural Transformation in Rural Kenya
Authors: Milu Muyanga, John Olwande, Joseph Opiyo, T. S. Jayne
Labor Market Opportunities for Youth in Kenya. Evidence from the 2020/21 Kenya Continuous Household Survey
Authors: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, and Jenish Shrestha
3. Event Presentations
Day 1:
Session II: Agricultural Growth in Kenya: Trends and Drivers
Drivers of Agricultural Growth in Kenya in the past decade
Presenter: Timothy Njagi, ANAPRI
Session III: Fertilizer and Soil Health
The status of fertilizer quality in agro-dealer outlets in Kenya
Presenter: Timothy Njagi, ANAPRI
Farmers’ willingness to pay for soil testing in Kenya
Presenter: John Olwande, Tegemeo Institute
Evaluating Kenya's National Fertilizer Subsidy Program_Implementation Crowding-out and Benefit-Cost Assessment
Presenter: David Mather, MSU
Session IV: Agricultural value chains development
Political economy factors and their influence on the development of agricultural value chains in Kenya.
Presenter: Mercy W. Kamau, Tegemeo Institute
Are Commercialized Farms Driving Agricultural Transformation in Rural Kenya?.
Presenter: Milu Muyanga, Michigan State University, USA
Assessing the impact of PPVC reforms on the aquaculture value chain in Kenya.
Presenter: Lilian Kirimi, Tegemeo Institute
Day 2:
Session I:
Resilience of food systems.
Presenter: Kelvin Shikuku, CGIAR & ILRI
Session II:
Assessment of the Policy Enabling Environment for Large-Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) in Kenya by Dr. Lilian Kirimi, Tegemeo Institute
Presenter: Lilian Kirimi, Tegemeo Institute
Food environments and diet quality: Insights from urban and peri-urban Kenya.
Presenter: Mywish K. Maredia, Michigan State University, USA
Household dietary patterns and the cost of a healthy diet in Kenya.
Presenter: David Mather, Michigan State University, USA
Session III:
Building Youth Employment Opportunities by Patrick Ketiem, KALRO, and Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Purdue University.
Presenter: Patrick Ketiem, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
Youth Employment Challenge .
Presenter: Milu Muyanga, Michigan State University.
Session IV:
Livelihood diversification among rural farm households in Kenya.
Presenter; John Olwande, Tegemeo Institute
Resilience through diversity: A policy scan of possible pathways to future food systems.
Presenter: Paswel Marenya, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
Impact of Digital AgroWeather Advisories: Evidence from farming communities in Kenya.
Presenter: Mercy W. Kamau,Tegemeo Institute.