Tegemeo Institute, Egerton University holds an end-of-project outreach and dissemination workshop on ‘Impact of Agro-weather Advisories on Productivity and
Resilience in Farming Communities in Kenya’.
Weather variability and climate change have attenuated farmers’ ability to make good farming decisions. Programs that seek to increase farmers’ access to farming-related advice that is based on weather realities are likely to increase farm productivity and farm households’ resilience to weather-related shocks. Rarely do we interrogate questions on whether such weather-based advisories cause the hypothesized outcomes.
Tegemeo Institute of Egerton University received a grant from USAID’s Feed the Future (FtF), through an initiative of the Markets, Risk and Resilience Innovation
Lab (MRR IL) of the University of California, Davis, USA, and the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED). The initiative is aimed at Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation and Networks (ALL-IN) in African research institutions. The grant supported a project on ‘The Impact of Digital Agro-weather Advisories on Productivity and Resilience in Pastoral and Farming Communities in Kenya’. This study targeted farmers who were beneficiaries of the Government of Kenya/World Bank’s (GOK/WB) Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP).
Tegemeo Institute will hold an end-of-project outreach and dissemination workshop after the successful completion of the project. This event will be held in Nakuru
on 9th December 2024. The objectives of the workshop are to: i) present study findings and receive feedback from participants; ii) facilitate a dialogue and provide a forum
for an exchange of perspectives on the findings and other aspects of the project; and iii) discuss the value of impact studies in the agriculture sector. Participants will be drawn from the government (national and county level), the private sector, farming communities and farmer associations, development agencies, research organizations and providers of climate information services.
1. Event Program
Download End of Project Outreach and Dissemination Stakeholder Workshop 
2. Policy Briefs
Willingness to Pay for Agro-Weather Messages Among Kenyan Farmers
Authors:Dr. Mercy Kamau, John Mburu, Prof. Bradford Mills and Dr. Lilian Kirimi
About MRR and ALL-IN Initiative Handout 
3. Other Artefacts
The value of rigorous evidence for effective development programming Youtube clip.

4. Event Presentations
You will gain access to the presentations soon!.