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Monthly Archive

September 2020

Climate Change
Tegemeo Institute

Climate Change

The agricultural sector is especially vulnerable to climate change as it is mainly dependent on rainfall and otherweather variables. With majority of the population depending on agriculture for thei read more..

Tegemeo Institute


In addition, there is evidence that the poor are indeed heterogeneous and poverty is dynamic (people move in and out of poverty). Therefore, it is very important to continuously carry out research o read more..

Agricultural Commodity Value Chains
Tegemeo Institute

Agricultural commodity value chains Input use

Mostplayers operate at functional lines such as inputs, production, processing and marketing and provision of services like information, credit and extension. As a result, their efforts remain in read more..

Impact Assessment
Tegemeo Institute

Impact Assessment

With limited resources to address numerous challenges, impact assessment on interventions by both the government and development partners is emerging as a key component to establish the value read more..

Input use, agricultural productivity, commercialization and output markets
Tegemeo Institute

Input use, agricultural productivity, commercialization and output markets

Through the Agricultural SectorDevelopment Strategy (ASDS), Kenya plans to increase productivity through investment in intensive use of already existing technologies such as fertilizers and seed read more..

Food Security
Tegemeo Institute

Food Security

Food insecurity is a threat to overall human well-being, as well as efforts geared toward economic growth and poverty alleviation. The concept of food security is multidimensional, encompassing food a... read more..

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